Posted in Being Christ's Body

Linking Arms with God

  Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure…

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Nehushtan (and Other Idols)

Nehushtan – The word is connected to the famous bronze serpent that Moses lifted on a pole when the people he led out of Egyptian slavery were bitten by poisonous snakes in the wilderness.

Posted in God's Blueprint

Brethren Ministering to Each Other

[Video] A picture of believers building up believers in God’s assembly.

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Letter to the Galatians

This translation attempts to convey Galatians with some of the vividness of Paul’s Greek original.

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The Long Engagement

It has been a long engagement…

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Cross Acrostic

Christ, my mighty Rock is He…

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Lord, set her bars and gates…

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Above the Vault of Heaven

When infirmity or loss close in…

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Family Traditions versus Christian Liberty

Families are a heavenly idea…

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Fast Food for the Fleeing!

Let us purposefully and decisively leave behind slavish service to sin and traditions…

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Hung On A Tree

A look at the curse without sin in Deuteronomy 21

Posted in Being Christ's Body

Polishing God’s Silver

…there are elements of the treasures the Lord has given us that are really in the silver class, that need polishing…

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A Husband for Hannah

I Samuel 1 tells the story that leads up to the song, and there are two bright lights in the chapter. Hannah is the central figure, but there is another…

Heaven's Building Kit
Posted in God's Blueprint

Heaven’s Building Kit

If you follow the plans, you can build your home from a kit. Will we follow the Bible’s blueprint for God’s home among us?

Posted in God's Blueprint

Who’s In Charge
of God’s House?

Who’s responsible for God’s house? Church traditions offer a smorgasbord of answers, but God’s blueprint highlights you!

Posted in Featured

Speaking the Truth in Love

“Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become … the mature body of … Christ … as each part does its work.”  (Eph 4:15-16)

Posted in God's Blueprint

Building Up One Another

God, the Master Architect of His home—and ours—calls and equips every one of us to build one another up (Eph 4:16).

Posted in God's Blueprint

Equipping God’s People

“Ministers” have a job description: “to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” (Eph 4:12)

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A Father and His Family

The very idea of Family starts with God, our Father (Eph 3:15). This is one of the Bible’s many portraits of God’s people.

Posted in Being Christ's Body

In His Yoke

Disciple doesn’t mean just Peter, James and John. It’s a word that describes anyone who answers Jesus’ call to “Take My yoke upon you an learn from Me” (Matt 11:29).

Posted in God's Blueprint

Whose House is This?

According to one institute, Christians have built over 40,000 distinct denominations and sects worldwide. Is God their Architect?

Posted in Being Christ's Body

Dying to Live

The world clings to fleeting life, “looking out for #1.” But it is those who are immersed with Christ in His death who find life that never ends.

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These are the Two Olive Trees

Paul (Rom. 11), Zechariah (ch. 4) and John (Rev. 11) all write about them, painting an intriguing portrait of God’s grafted people.

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The Armor of God

Make no mistake—while we love peace, we face war from a determined foe. But God provides us a panoply of armor matched to the challenge.

Posted in Being Christ's Body

The Church in their House…

Elaborate sanctified buildings often sit nearly empty. But Christians first met in their homes, knowing that the people—not bricks and mortar—are God’s house.

Posted in God's Blueprint

“While My house lies in Ruins”

The Old Testament prophets Haggai and Zechariah have a laser-sharp message for Christians today!

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A Called-Out Assembly

“Church” is how English Bibles translate the Greek word ekklesia—the same word Greeks used for their citizens’ assembly. The congregation is God’s “called-out assembly.”

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Innocent, You Say?

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins….”  (1Jn 1:8-9)

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A Shepherd and His Sheep

“I am the good shepherd,” said Jesus “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”  (John 10:11) Though we feel as useful as sheep, He loves us this much!

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Abraham’s City!

The patriarch who defined faith for the ages left a civilization behind to live in tents. But the Bible testifies that he looked for a city!

Posted in Being Christ's Body

By What Every Joint Supplies

Church too often finds a sage on a stage addressing spectators. But the New Testament reveals a congregation where God’s Spirit nourishes all through every member.

Posted in Portrait Gallery

A Body You Have
Prepared Me

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”  (1 Cor 12:12)

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It’s a Rough Neighborhood [PODCAST]

This is a sample audio file. Podcasts can be presented as content—and surrounded by text, etc.

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Barrel Piano Maker YouTube [VIDEO]

This is an example of an embedded YouTube video. If we start a YouTub channel, our videos could appear this way in our content.

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Just a Second! [VIDEO]

Life can change from one moment to the next. It happens all the time; it can happen to you!

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Read this in-depth study of what the Bible actually says about “baptisms.” Learn how God immerses His people in Christ, His Spirit, and one living body.