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Letter to the Galatians

This translation attempts to convey Galatians with some of the vividness of Paul’s Greek original.

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The Long Engagement

It has been a long engagement…

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Cross Acrostic

Christ, my mighty Rock is He…

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Lord, set her bars and gates…

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Above the Vault of Heaven

When infirmity or loss close in…

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Family Traditions versus Christian Liberty

Families are a heavenly idea…

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Hung On A Tree

A look at the curse without sin in Deuteronomy 21

Posted in Being Christ's Body

Polishing God’s Silver

…there are elements of the treasures the Lord has given us that are really in the silver class, that need polishing…

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A Husband for Hannah

I Samuel 1 tells the story that leads up to the song, and there are two bright lights in the chapter. Hannah is the central figure, but there is another…